parenting: random postpartum things for mom

parenting: random postpartum things for mom

Days away from approaching my second delivery, I’m reminded of some random postpartum symptoms I experienced after my first delivery. Note: I opted for an epidural, and delivered vaginally.

  • Swelling: I felt that my feet and hands were more swollen after delivery than before delivery, and then I was reminded that I had one (maybe two) IV drips in me before the epidural and delivery. Note: if you’re really concerned about postpartum swelling, you should talk to your doctor because it can be a sign of preeclampsia.

  • Sweating: How does your body get rid of all the swelling / fluid? Through sweating (and urinating). Multiple times I woke up in a pool of sweat, so you might want to get a little absorbent pad or something to sleep on so you don’t ruin your sheets or mattress. My friend swore that all of her excess fluid came out through her feet! WHY? Hormone changes, but remember to stay hydrated.

  • Temperature changes: I remember being really sensitive to temperature, and multiple times after getting out of the shower I got the chills (and shooting pain through my nipples), teeth chattering, and shivering, and had to stand in front of a space heater to warm up. WHY? Hormone changes. My temperature at the hospital fluctuated a lot compared to my husband, so bring layers of clothing to the hospital.

  • Milk: It takes 3-5 days for milk to come in, so don’t worry. You’ll also be able to feel your breasts swell, and I remember mine being super painful for the first day or two. Icing helps, and painkillers, and nursing / pumping can help alleviate the pressure.

  • Eye Dryness: I tend to have dry eye issues during the winter, so much so they get really red and I can’t wear contacts. Breastmilk is mostly water, so it’s key to stay very, very hydrated. You can also use artificial tears and a humidifier.

  • Hair: I have heard of others having a different experience, but during pregnancy my hair basically stopped falling out for … 6 months? So at delivery I had this beautiful thick lush hair. Then at about 3-4 months postpartum, all that extra thickness started falling out, and I was back to normalcy. Remember this hair loss is only temporary, and there are postpartum vitamins you can take that supposedly helps with this. I continued taking prenatal vitamins (which helps with hair health) until I stopped breastfeeding.

  • Weight: I think my weight stayed exactly the same post delivery. I gained about 45 pounds my first pregnancy, and I naively was hoping my body would be like a balloon post delivery, and my stomach would flatten. Eager to lose the pregnancy weight I had gained, I jumped into physical activity pretty quickly postpartum. I was reminded later at my 6 week appointment that I might have felt OK, but my organs were swollen and I was healing on the inside (eg. the uterus is repairing itself after the placenta is ripped off). My recommendation is to give yourself time to rest and heal, and the weight will come off. I got back to my pre baby body weight about a year post delivery. Remember it took your body 9 months to gain the weight, and with healthy eating and activity, it will probably take roughly the same amount of time to lose it.

  • Don’t forget to strengthen that pelvic floor again. I had to rush to the bathroom for months, but eventually it gets better. More info here:

  • Emotions: Be aware of any emotional changes. Your body just went through a lot physically and hormone-wise! More info here:

But, congratulations! You did it mama!!! And most importantly, don’t feel bad or be discouraged to ask for help. Even though you might be able to do something yourself, doesn’t mean that you need to.

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